My passion is the world: an orphan smiling in the arms of his adoptive parents, a laughing couple posing for engagement photos, the splendor of dappled autumn trees reflecting off a clear lake, brightly colored dragons guarding the entrance to a pagoda, or a woman in rural China with a sweet baby strapped to her back. Whether through photography, video, or digital design, my passion is to use my God-given talents to bring the world closer to people.

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Hi, I’m Ashleigh! My day job involves consulting for an affordable housing compliance company but my passions include travel and photography. After graduating from university back in 2010, I traveled to Taiwan to volunteer at an orphanage for a few weeks, and those “few weeks” ended up becoming four years. Living in Taiwan led to experiences and travels I never thought were possible: handing a child over to her adoptive parents for the first time, riding an elephant in Thailand, and teaching songs to kids in a rural village in China. My experiences while living and traveling the world have shaped me to be the person I am today.

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